Monday 2 November 2015

Hello Stranger!

Oh blog, I have missed you! It's one of the complexities of blogging- that when you have things to blog about, you're too busy doing the things to actually blog about it all- and I certainly have heaps to blog about, but absolutely no time in which to do it! However, I will keep posting whenever and wherever possible, just bear with me :)
Recently I've been doing LOTS of training- in community organising, in sexual health peer educating, in mental health campaigning, in using the record office and in LGBTQ+ campaigning. It's all been utterly fantastic- I've learnt a lot of good stuff which I'm looking forwards to putting into practice, and I've met some of the best people to both work with and be friends with!
As well as that, I've spent a lot of time with friends, which has been lovely. During half term I managed to go to the Playground Cafe three times, which made me pretty happy :) And there have been lots of weird and wonderful happenings besides that!
I need to head to dinner now, so ciao for now- but more soon, I promise! <3