Friday, 31 August 2012

Day 7: A Song That Reminds You Of A Certain Event

I think I have memories attached to pretty much every song I like (and some I dislike). A certain event... Okay, this really really isn't 'my' sort of genre, but Sexy And I Know It (LMFAO).
The event it reminds me of is the Splash Night we had at swimming just before Christmas last year. It was brilliant, though very mad- lots of people going down the flume at the same time, lots of splashing etc.!! We were going to play a version of underwater ulldog that we all love, but I ended up mucking round with one of the lifeguards instead.
All in all it was a fab night, and 'cause Sexy And I Know It played a few times, it always reminds me of that memory!

Sexy And I Know It: