Thursday 16 October 2014

Life, Right Now

A lot of my posts recently seem to have been quite deep and thoughtful. If you're enjoying that, then the good news is that I have some more of those in the pipeline! However, I wanted to take some time now just to write a bit about my life- what I've been up to recently!

Last week was super super busy with the preparation for an event to mark World Mental Health Day. There was lots to do, especially as I was partly in charge of the social media side, so tried to get as much publicity done as possible. It was challenging at times, but I really threw myself into all of the preparation- mental health and it's awareness is something I feel incredibly strongly about, and it was good to have an outlet for that passion.
The actual event was on Saturday. I don't want to write much about it because I really want to give it it's own post, and do it justice there. For now I'll just say that the whole day was absolutely amazing- I loved every minute of it, and can't wait for the next opportunity to do something similar. It finished with bubble tea, a walk home in the dark, dancing through the park and the thought that I really do love what I do, and do what I love.
Sunday was quieter- I met up with a friend, watched TV and did some homework. I had the beginnings of a cold so didn't feel up to swim teaching; however, I went to youth group in the evening as I wanted to see my friends, and it was a really interesting session.
Woke up on Monday with a worse cold, and by Tuesday I was more than ready to take the day off of school and just curl up in bed! So that day was largely spent in my onesie, trying to get work done. I did manage to get out in the evening to walk the dog though, which was good.
Recovering from the cold now; I was back in sixth form yesterday, and that's where I am right now! this evening I've got a session with Mentality, the youth group who organised last week's WMHD event, and then I'm announcing at the swimming club championships. It'll be a busy evening, and I'm sure I'll be pretty glad when I'm tucked up in bed- but a good one too!
Next week is the start of the half-term, which I'm really looking forward to. I'm going to Sussex with a friend, then to somewhere near London with family. Also got a Young Carers event which I'm really looking forward to! Then the rest will be school work- revision and coursework. Fun fun fun...

So yeah, that's kind of my life lately. Being ill, sixth form, loads of school work, dog walking, family, volunteering and swimming... And less sleep than I would like!!