Wednesday 2 September 2015

13to14: Induction

As many of you know, this year I am in Year 14. I am not retaking, but ended up with weird options & new subjects, making a third year of sixth form necessary. I've had mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I'm looking forwards to it- I like my subjects and am looking forwards to a greater depth of knowledge, I like my teachers, I'm mixing learning with volunteering... There's lots of good things. However, it's also been incredibly difficult; for example, watching peers move on as I'm stuck in the same place, and dealing with the change of my entire year group leaving. Things are the same- but also not. It's weird. As far as possible, I want to track how it all goes on this blog, as both a record and an outlet for me, and for others who may be interested. So here goes!

Today was Induction Day; pointless for the Year 13s who've been at the school for a year (at least) already; even more pointless for me, having been at the sixth form for two years and the lower school five years prior. I appreciate that the teachers did try their best to make today interactive, interesting and inspiring- but it was somewhat patronising and cliche at times. At other times it was frustrating and a bit ridiculous. However, I'm not going to dwell on that; I'm sure that's how every sixth former feels about such a day!
For me, today was weird because I was back at sixth form- but the people I expected to see weren't there. Obviously the year below are- but my year aren't. I keep expecting to see my friends; a couple of times I almost mistook people for them. It was very weird. There's also been a lot of change- for example, new displays etc in the main building. I hate change, and it's all very weird. Worse is that the timetable's completely changed, after 7 years of staying nearly exactly the same. I've got that to get my head around tomorrow, and I'm somewhat dreading it.
So today was difficult. But there were some bright moments, as well. I got my tutor group sorted out, and my tutor ('academic mentor') is someone I get along well with and who teaches me. I'm happy about that. I've sorted out helping out in a few lessons already, which is good & I'm looking forwards to. I got to catch up with friends & teachers about their summers, which I enjoyed, and there was much of the usual- the old- joking around. There were some very bright moments!
Tomorrow we have only a half day, which I'm not looking forwards to- I just want to start already, to get back into the swing of things. There's also dealing with the huge timetable change, which is going to be a big one. Also, I know that tomorrow my closest friend isn't in, which may be difficult. I have friends still, but I feel like an outsider. The other Year 14s seem to have banded together- but I don't want to join them (not least because I feel like an outsider there too), because I want to fully integrate with the other year group. I'm hoping that'll happen over time.
On the bright side, tomorrow I will hopefully get to catch up with more people. There will be the new Year 12s to meet and speak to, and I'm going to push myself to sit with my friends in Year 13 so as to start to feel less of an outsider. I'm really looking forwards to my lesson- I love both my subjects this year! And hopefully I'll get my timetable more sorted, which will be good. Lastly, I've made plans to see the Wombies in the evening, which I'm very excited about. All will be okay. All will be okay.

I'm so determined to make the most of this. I'm so determined to treat this well.